Management for Smart Condominiums

Brilliant Property Management is a company that manages condominium corporations in the Greater Toronto Area. We look at every condominium as a unique entity, and deliver solutions tailored to their specific needs. Learn more about our unique approach below.

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Our Services


In order for a property to achieve its goals it needs to have money. BPM will work with the board to create an appropriate budget that meets the needs of the community, and will work diligently to meet those targets


Keeping owners and residents informed and engaged is important in any condominium. We try to be upfront and direct, and communicate with owners in a way that is simple and easy to understand

Asset Management

The foundation of every building is, well, the foundation! We work to create preventative maintenance programs that extend the lives of your building’s components, and save money in the long run


A smart condominium sees the big picture, and plans for the long run. We believe in putting resources where they will have the biggest impact, both in terms of operational savings, and raising property values

Case studies.

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16 Elgin Street

"I have been an owner and resident in this condominium since 1982 when our building was only 6 years old. Within a few years unacceptable deterioration of the property began to emerge while our condo fees continued to escalate. After spending years shifting from one manager to another, one company to another, we finally stumbled upon Brilliant Property Management, but had already expected little improvement in our situation. Immediately changes began to happen. Our condo fees were reduced substantially, our reserve fund improved, and is now healthier than it has ever been, and the building is cleaner than we we had ever experienced. After many years of frustration, we finally have found a “happy home”. Initially I laughed at the name Brilliant, but they truly live up to their name. "

Elizabeth Flynn - Former President YCC272

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135 Marlee Ave. #102
Toronto, ON

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