Note that the answers provided below are the opinion of the writer. They should not be taken as legal advice. Consult a condominium lawyer if you need legal advice. Feel free to send us your questions, and we will do our best to add them to this list. 

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Relevant Condominium Laws

While the condominium act is made up of over 180 sections, the ones below are the ones that we find most useful on a day-to-day basis. For more information go to the Condominium Act website by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

  • Section 19 - Right of Entry

    Section 19 states that an authorized representative of the condominium (like a property manager) can enter a unit if they give the owner reasonable notice. This can only be done if the entry is necessary to “perform the objects and duties of the corporation”.
    The condominium’s representative can also enter without notice in case of emergency.

  • Section 29 - Director Qualifications

    Section 29 lays out the qualifications for being on the board of directors. These include being over 18 years old, not being bankrupt, and a few other restrictions. A condominium could add additional qualifications by passing a by-law making access the board more restrictive.

  • Section 46 - Requisitioning a Meeting

    This section covers how owners can requisition a meeting, and specifically how this would be done in order to remove a director. Owners require written support of 15% of the homeowners to call the meeting, and must go through various steps for the meeting to be considered valid.

  • Section 55 - Access to Information

    Section 55 allows homeowners to have access to a wide range of corporate documents, and spells out the process for obtaining them. With few exceptions, such as records relating to staff, other owners, or litigation, almost all documents can be viewed by the owners.

  • Sections 89-92 - Damage

    These sections cover what happens in the event of damage. In condominiums, where there is a mix of shared and individual ownership, insurance can be tricky. These sections lay out who is responsible for repairs.

  • Section 97 - Changes Made by Corporation

    Section 97 covers changes made by the condominium. Most of the work that a condominium does does not require the direct permission from the owners, but some changes are large or significant enough to warrent owner input. This section goes over what kind of notice or permission is required for different types of work or changes.

  • Section 98 - Changes Made by Owner

    Section 98 is similar to section 97, but it is for owners who wish to make the change to the common areas.

  • Sections 138-144 - Common Element Corporations

    These sections cover laws specific to common element condominium corporations.



The Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario


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Condominium Authority of Ontario


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Condo Act

The Condominium Act of Ontario

Condo Act

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The Canadian Condominium Institute

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